Print Ads and Flyers


I have designed print ads and flyers for nonprofit and for-profit organizations in a variety of styles. My work has included organization of content, layout of pages, and curation of photos. Using your branding, I can develop print pieces that will promote your business and engage your audience.

Products and Services

  • Design of ads for newspapers, magazines, and other print sources
  • Development of flyers for in-person distribution and mass mailing
  • Organization and refinement of content
  • Editing and proofreading
  • Typography
  • Curation and correction of photos
  • Coordination with print vendors and publishers
  • Accessibility*

*I have modified some design examples from their original versions in order to comply with WCAG standards. Significant changes are noted in project descriptions.

Selected Work

Association for Mental Health and Wellness (MHAW)

For this introductory ad, I chose images that represented the range of MHAW’s programs and the diversity of its community (the speaker in the photo on the left is a staff member). The color scheme harmonized with the logo.

I also designed a flyer to inform readers about World Mental Health Day and to solicit videos for a social media campaign about kindness.

View examples of Display Ads and Social Media Images that I produced for MHAW.

Print ad introducing the Association for Mental Health and Wellness. Across the top runs a photo of a couple holding hands, with a close-up on the hands. In the middle are 5 images; clockwise, they show a presenter at a conference, a soldier in camouflage standing in front of his family and home, a man talking to his therapist, a woman working in a call center, and four seniors sitting and talking. Text runs above and below these images. Flyer describing World Mental Health Day and soliciting videos on the subject of kindness. Across the top is an image of a young person's hand holding an elder's hand in an outdoor setting, as well as the logo for World Mental Health Day. Text follows. At the bottom are logos for the Association for Mental Health and Wellness and the Mental Health Association of Nassau County.

World Education Services (WES)

I applied WES’ colors and typography to this series of flyers, which promoted webinars on career-development topics.

See other projects that I completed for WES:

Flyer promoting a webinar on the topics of jobs in healthcare and identity loss from career changes. Flyer promoting a webinar on the topic of online career search for professionals in engineering, IT, and communications. Flyer promoting a webinar on the topic of career success in Canada.

Specialists in Long Term Care Insurance Services

This ad and flyer emphasized the financial risks of not having adequate long-term-care insurance. Since members of the California Retired Teachers Association (CalRTA) were the target audience, I used that organization’s colors.

Vertically oriented print ad for long-term-care insurance. It shows an ostrich with its head in the sand; next to the ostrich is a wooden sign reading 'long-term care insurance' in stenciled letters.
Flyer for long-term-care insurance. It shows an ostrich with its head in the sand; next to the ostrich is a wooden sign reading 'long-term care insurance' in stenciled letters.

SES Conference & Expo

This ad appeared in SES Magazine. SES (Search Engine Strategies) is the predecessor of ClickZ.

Ad for SES New York Conference & Expo. Againt a background of blue hexagons, inset circles reveal photos of people presenting and networking at previous conferences.