I developed three website concepts for Mousebird Consulting. After settling on the responsive breakpoints and column grids, I created layouts to help Mousebird decide how to organize and present their content.
Go back to the main Mousebird page.
Concept 1
All information on Mousebird's products and apps would reside on the homepage. I envisioned a half globe as the main image, for which the semicircle on the right was a placeholder. The images under “Apps” would be composites of screenshots taken from apps that Mousebird had built for clients; the smaller graphic would be placed in a frame resembling a mobile device. Testimonials, links to company news, and a second contact button would follow.
Mousebird chose this concept.

Concept 2
In this arrangement, short sections on the company's products and apps would direct the user to secondary pages, which I would design at a later stage. Clients' logos, testimonials, links to company news, and a second contact button would sit below.

Concept 3
This layout has content similar to that of option 2, but the look is different.