Branding Design


I have provided branding design to businesses in the fields of technology, digital marketing, finance, and disability advocacy. Styles in which I’ve worked include traditional, corporate, and whimsical. I have incorporated the branding into websites, print publications, display ads, social media graphics, and event collateral. The guidelines I’ve written for implementation have facilitated the work of other designers and web coders.

Products and Services

  • Development of overall look and feel
  • Typography
  • Logo design
  • Color selection
  • Curation and correction of photos
  • Page layout for print
  • Website design
  • Coding in HTML/CSS
  • Creation of style guides
  • Accessibility*

*I have modified some design examples from their original versions in order to comply with WCAG standards. Significant changes are noted in project descriptions.

Selected Work

Mousebird and Wet Dog Weather

I designed websites for two related companies that specialize in data visualization. Branding design was an integral part of the work.

Read the case studies:

Homepage of Mousebird Consulting showing top portion of page. Dark-blue header includes logo of mousebird in black and white, and company name and nav in white. Main part of page shows tag line and company description in black, contact button in green, and image of a half globe. Homepage of Wet Dog Weather showing top portion of page. Includes logo in blue and purple, nav in purple, a black-and-white photo of a dog shaking water off, and tagline in white against a blue background.

Miss Diagnoses

I created a logo for a blog about living with chronic illness. The logo conveys the uncertainty that often surrounds chronic conditions. Reflecting the author’s quirkiness, it adds a light touch to a serious subject.

I also provided a series of illustrations.

ClickZ Live

As the sole designer in New York for ClickZ, a provider of news and insights about digital marketing, I generated branding guidelines for their conference series, which drew 5,000+ attendees per year.

See how I applied the guidelines:

Cover of the branding guidelines for the ClickZ Live conference series. Includes ClickZ Live logo, which is orange, purple, and dark grey. Also includes table of contents in purple and dark-grey text. Spread from the branding guidelines for the ClickZ Live conference series. Shows the rules for using various forms of the ClickZ Live logo, which is orange, purple, and  either dark grey or white. Also shows rules for using the Helvetica Neue font. Spread from the branding guidelines for the ClickZ Live conference series. Shows the purple, orange, and grey tints and gradients associated with the brand, and gives their CMYK, RGB, and hexadecimal values. Spread from the branding guidelines for the ClickZ Live conference series. Shows examples of display ads, social media graphics, and signs, with notations on sizes and colors. Spread from the branding guidelines for the ClickZ Live conference series. Shows examples of slides and event guides, with notations on sizes and colors.

The Investment Professional

The development of this logotype and the related identity pieces was foundational to the process of launching and running a quarterly magazine.

Learn more about what I accomplished.